April 18. 1 night. 5 simultaneous attacks. A band of 64 - 56 innocent yet fearless young boys, 5 defiant revolutionaries, 2 determined young women, and an idealistic leader - Surjya Sen, a school teacher by profession.
This group of 64 represents a little-known chapter in history; a forgotten night that reigned terror on the British through a series of calculated attacks. Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey is a true story of these forgotten heroes and the narrative takes us through every step of the action from the initial trepidation, to the thrill of the attack, to the underground movement, daring escapes and tragic captures, and most importantly, their undying legacy.
A period thriller, the film is based on the book 'DO and DIE: The Chittagong Uprising 1930-34' by Manini Chatterjee. A PVR Pictures Presentation of an Ashutosh Gowariker Productions' film, directed by Ashutosh Gowariker and produced jointly by Ajay Bijli, Sanjeev K. Bijli and Sunita A. Gowariker, the film will hit theatres on December 3, 2010.
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