Sandeepa Dhar, who debuted in Isi Life Mein thinks Aamir Khan, is the most humble actor. Recently, the newcomer shot with AK for an ad.
She was apprehensive shooting with an actor of that stature. Clearly she has forgotten she had a scene with Salman Khan in her debut film. Anyway, on location Sandeepa noticed that the ad was being shot differently from her previous ads and asked around what was happening.
To her surprise, Aamir turned to her and explained the reason and logic of why it was being done differently from other usual shots. Sandeepa was thrilled, not only because she had shared screen space with the Ace Khan,
She was apprehensive shooting with an actor of that stature. Clearly she has forgotten she had a scene with Salman Khan in her debut film. Anyway, on location Sandeepa noticed that the ad was being shot differently from her previous ads and asked around what was happening.
To her surprise, Aamir turned to her and explained the reason and logic of why it was being done differently from other usual shots. Sandeepa was thrilled, not only because she had shared screen space with the Ace Khan,
but also because he so sweetly took time out to sit her down and explain technicalities to her, a complete new comer in B-town! Here's to one more fan Aamir.
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