Thursday, 6 January 2011

Anushka spits on Akshay

This girl is full of spunk! Yeah, you read that right. Anushka Sharma might be just three films old, but this gal is already spitting in the faces of the A-listers, quite literally!

And it's not her cool attitude, really, infact, it's her penchant for getting the scene just right. Recently, while shooting for a scene for Patiala House, Anushka had to say the word 'thoonk', but she ended up literally spitting on co-star Akshay Kumar's face! Eeks! We're sure that was Akki's first reaction too, but the sporting khiladi, simply wiped off the incident with a smile and helped Anushka do a retake.

He's always a sweetheart with his female co-stars, no? And even if he runs into some minor spats, we guess he just spits it away. He, he. Or just say...'pattiyaa-la' after the scene, what say Akki? For more on this story, watch 'Bollywood This Week', on 9th Jan, Sunday, at 7:30pm only on zoOm.

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